Dr. Jan Johnston
The Parent's Journey The Midlife Journey Retirement Journey About Jan Johnston Consulting Services

About Janis Clark Johnston, Ed.D.


Professional Memberships


Books available in paperback since 2019:



First Place, National Federation of Press Women, for Non-Fiction Books for Adult Readers (Transforming Retirement, 2024)

First Place, Illinois Woman’s Press Association, for Non-Fiction Books for Adult Readers, (Transforming Retirement, 2024)

First Place, Illinois Woman’s Press Association, for non-profit blog, (Banned Books, 2024)

First Place, Illinois Women’s Press Association, for non-profit blog, Pearls of  Peace (Pearls of Strength, 2022)

International Best Book Award (Midlife Maze, 2018)

Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, 2018

First Place, Illinois Woman's Press Association for Non-Fiction Books for Adult Readers (Midlife Maze,2018)

Best Books (U.S.) Award (Midlife Maze, 2017)

Distinguished Honor Alumni Award, Manchester University, IN, 2015 

Founder’s Award, Parenthesis Family Center, Oak Park, IL, 2011

Honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Manchester University, IN, 2011 

Community Spirit Award, Sarah’s Inn (Freedom from Domestic Violence), Oak Park, IL, 2002

School Psychology Practitioner of the Year, Illinois School Psychologists, Region 1, 1984



Postdoctoral coursework


Internal Family Systems Therapy 2 year training
     (Family Institute, Northwestern University)
Bowen Family therapy (Georgetown Family Center)
Structural Family Therapy (Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic)
Family Therapy (Cambridge Family Institute)


EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)
     Part 1 and Part 2 training
Neurology of Behavior (Harvard Medical School)
Rational Behavior Therapy (University of Kentucky Medical School)

Boston University, Boston, MA

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology
M.Ed. in School Psychology
Recipient of 3 year N.D.E.A. Title IV Fellowship

Manchester University, North Manchester IN

B.A. with Honors Distinction in Psychology

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Private Practice Psychologist
1984 to present

Family Therapist (for children, couples, and families)
Consultant (for schools, industry, and social service agencies)

  • Provided staff development workshops on assertiveness, discipline, problem solving, sexual abuse prevention, behavior disorder interventions, stress management, parenting and child development
  • Led program evaluations of special education departments for schools
  • Supervised social workers and other social service staff

Trainer (for therapists and teachers in child development and in child therapy techniques)

  • Taught 2 year training program for child therapists
  • Participated in numerous training sessions as a speaker for annual conferences

Oak Park & River Forest High School
1981 to 1989

School Psychologist, On Campus Behavior Disorders Program

  • Counseled behavior disordered adolescents and their families using crisis intervention, individual, group, and family therapy
  • Consulted with teachers and administrators regarding adolescents’ behavior/academics
  • Initiated work contracts as a systemic behavioral intervention for adolescents
  • Assessed students’ strengths, weaknesses, personality/learning styles using intelligence, achievement, and projective personality tests
  • Taught in-service workshops for teachers/parents on adolescent suicide, assertiveness, and parenting
  • Initiated sexual abuse prevention program for all high school students
  • Supervised school psychology interns
  • Initiated Employee Assistance Program for faculty through participation on Staff Development Committee

Elk Grove Village Schools, Elk Grove Village, IL
School Psychology Intern (Illinois requirement)

Acorn Counseling Service, Philadelphia, PA
Therapist (for individuals, couples, and families) for industry “troubled employee” program

Trainer for industry

  • Taught “Responsible Assertion” 8 week course for employees
  • Taught “Responsible Assertion: Winning at Work 2 day seminar to managers

Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Supervising Psychologist, Consultation and Education Service

  • Supervised 10 Psy. D. student level consultants in Philadelphia Public Schools
  • Wrote contract and trained 50 Philadelphia Public School Administrators in 6 week seminar on “Burnout and Stress Management”
  • Organized and led in-service training for Philadelphia Elwyn Institute on “Positive Job Attitudes and Career Growth: Making Job Stress Work for You”
  • Supervised and led problem solving drama therapy for foster care adolescents
  • Initiated problem solving activity group therapy
  • Consulted with staff of 4 Philadelphia elementary schools and conducted research showing teachers judged consultation as instrumental in creating behavior change in 86% of student cases
  • Taught Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving courses for teachers/mental health workers
  • Taught parenting skills workshops to single parent groups and minority parent groups
  • Collaborated on writing grants for preventive mental health projects and in-service training for day care providers

Lexington Public Schools, Lexington, MA
School Psychologist for 5 schools with diagnostic, treatment, consultation/supervisory roles

  • Assessed strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles of learning disabled and/or emotionally disturbed children (grades K-10) using intelligence, perception, achievement, and projective personality tests
  • Counseled parents, children, and adolescents individually and/or in groups
  • Consulted with teachers/administrators regarding children’s children’s learning styles and social-emotional development
  • Taught in-service workshops for teachers in classroom management and affective education
  • Provided consultation to the American Embassy School in Warsaw, Poland as visiting psychologist
  • Supervised school psychology interns
  • Wrote curriculum and taught course “Human Behavior” (based on values clarification, assertiveness training, and decision making) to ninth grade students
  • Participated in writing and implementing kindergarten screening program for 11 schools
  • Contributed to system wide decision-making as member of Testing, Advanced Program, Human Development/Human Relations, and Staff Development Committees

Boston University Graduate School of Education, Boston, MA
Instructor of 2 semester Clinical Practicum

  • Taught 14 students counseling skills

Instructor of Play Therapy course for counseling graduate students
Guest lecturer of Activity Play Therapy

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Psychological Examiner for Harvard Pre-School Project

  • Administered intelligence tests for pre-school children

Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Psychology Examiner for Florence Heller School research project

  • Administered intelligence and perception tests to institutionalized mentally retarded individuals (adults and children)

Hastings School, Lexington, MA
Counseling Consultant (school counselor) for grades K-6

Lexington Public Schools, Lexington, MA
Psychology Intern

Framingham Youth Guidance Clinic, Framingham, MA
Psychology Intern (APA approved internship)

St. Frances de Sales School, Roxbury, MA
Counseling Intern

Manchester University, North Manchester, IN
Student Assistant to Chairperson of Psychology Department

Department of Public Welfare, South Bend, IN
Student Social Worker

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American Psychological Association 
American Society on Aging
Chicago Writers Association
EMDRIA (EMDR International Association) 
Illinois Women’s Press Association
Internal Family Systems (IFS) Institute
National Association of School Psychologists                                               
National Women’s Press Association

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Paper: “Child-Centered School Consultation: A Preventive Approach,” American Psychological Association Convention, New York, 1979

Panel: (Represented Hahnemann’s Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving approach) “Prevention and Mental Health,” Public Health Association of New York City, 1979

Staff Development: “Assertiveness for the Classroom,” Central Montgomery County Area Vocational Technical School, Norristown, PA, 1979

Staff Development: “Assertiveness in Teaching,” Upper Bucks County Area Vocational Technical High School, Perkasie, PA, 1979

Workshop: Eight week Parenting Skills course, Salvation Army Day Care Center, Philadelphia, PA, 1980

Staff Development: Assertive Teaching,” Upper Merion Public Schools, King of Prussia, OPA, 1980

Workshop: “Women’s Assertiveness in business,” American Woman’s Association, Lansdale, PA, 1980

Paper: “Psychologist as Negotiator in System Contracts with Adolescents,” National School Psychologists Association Convention, Toronto, 1982

Paper: “An On Campus Behavior Disorders Program: A Systemic/Behavioral Approach within a Public High School,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1983

Paper: “From Employee Assistance to Sexual Abuse Prevention: School Psychologist as Organizational Consultant,” Illinois School Psychologists Association Convention, Champaign, IL, 1985

Paper: “Working with Families: The Missing Link in Behavior Disorder Intervention,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1985

Workshop: “Responsible Assertion: Women Who Win,” National Association of Floor Covering Women, Chicago, IL, 1985

Workshop: “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Children’s Fears and Bibliotherapy,” Parenthesis, Oak Park, IL, 1985

Workshop: “Befriender’s Stress Management,” First Presbyterian Church, Wilmette, IL, 1986

Workshop: “Human Sexuality,” Teen Conference, Rosary College, River Forest, IL, 1986

Workshop: “Stress Management for Parents of Autistic Adolescents,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1986

Paper: “System Contract with Adolescents,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children And Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1986

Paper: “Systemic Contracts with Adolescents: Reframing Discipline between Home and School,” National Association of School Psychologists Convention, New Orleans, LA, 1987

Training: Discussion groups on AIDS for juniors and seniors, Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1987

Paper: “Family Power: An Intervention Beyond the Classroom,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1987

Workshop: “Does Adolescent Stress Cause Parent Stress?” Niles Township Off Campus Behavioral Disorder Program, Skokie, IL, 1988

Paper: “Beyond Behavior Modification in Behavior Disordered Programming: Systemic Interventions,” Illinois School Psychologists Association Convention, Peoria, IL, 1988

Training” “Test Anxiety Prevention,” (Adults studying for Certified Public Accounting professional exam), Oak Park, IL, 1988

Training: Workshop series on test anxiety for potential National Merit Scholars in preparation for SAT, Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1988

Workshop: “Adolescent Therapy,” Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL, 1988
Paper: “Balancing a Therapeutic Tightrope: Therapy with Adolescents,” Programming for the Developmental Needs of Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders IV Conference, Chicago, 1988

Paper: “Problem Solving Consultation: Collaboration Between School and Family Systems,” Illinois School Psychologists Association Convention, Peoria, IL, 1989

Training: “Behavior Disorders Programming,” St. Charles High School Special Education Staff, St. Charles, IL, 1989

Staff Development: “Special Education Teachers” Career Identity,” Highland Park High School, Highland Park, IL, 1990

Staff Development: “Self Esteem in Middle School – A Teeter Totter,” Benjamin School, West Chicago, IL, 1990

Workshop: “Adolescent Self-Esteem Versus Just Plain Selfishness,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1990

Program Evaluation: Series of 4 workshops, “Evaluation of Behavior Disorders Programming,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1990

Workshop: “Setting Up and Successfully Sustaining In-House Classes for Behaiorally Involved Students,” Massachusetts School Psychologists Association Convention, Worchester, MA, 1991

Program Evaluation: Series of 3 workshops, “Evaluation of Behavior Disorders Programming,” Jack London Institute, Wheeling, IL, 1991

Workshop: “Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1992

Workshop: “Assertiveness for Women,” Skokie Valley Professional Secretaries, Skokie, IL, 1992

Workshop: “Stress Management on the Job,” Best Foods, Chicago, IK, 1992

Workshop: “Substance Abuse on the Job,” Best Foods, Chicago, IL, 1992

Workshop: “Systemic Problem Solving Between Home and School: Reframing School
Psychology,” New Jersey School Psychologists Convention, Clark, NJ, 1992

Workshop: “Conflict Resolution for Residential Students,” Hephzibah Children’s Association, Oak Park, IL, 1994

Workshop: “Stress-Free Children, Self-Aware Parents,” Benjamin School, West Chicago, IL, 1996

Staff Development: “Team Building for Teachers,” Benjamin School, West Chicago, IL, 1996

Staff Development: “Adolescent Stress,” Trinity High School, River Forest, IL, 1996

Workshop: “Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Families,” 6th Annual IFS Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1997

Workshop: “Mother-Daughter Maps of Personality,” Oak Park, IL, 1998

Panel: “Using Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 7th Annual IFS Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1998

Workshop: “Family Power,” Irving School, Oak Park, IL, 1998

Panel: “Using Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 8th IFS Conference,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 1999

Staff Development: “Anger: Working with Defiant Children,” Hephzibah, Oak Park, IL, 1999

Panel: “Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 9th Annual IFS Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 2000

Staff Development: Series of workshops—“Ready to Learn: Activating a Child’s Smart Parts,” Salt Creek Primary School, Oak Brook, IL 2001

Staff Development: “Working with Difficult Students,” Milford, NE, 2001

Panel (Plenary Session): “Taking It to the Streets: Internal Family Systems (IFS) in Prisons, Schools, and the Internet, 10th Annual IFS Conference, Aurora University, WI, 2001

Panel: “Using Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 10th Annual IFS Conference, Aurora University, WI, 2001

Staff Development: Series of workshops: “Ready to Learn: Activating a Teacher’s Parts,” Salt Salt Primary School, Oak Brook, IL, 2002

Workshop: “Get to the Good Parts of Parenting: Mapping Parent Personalities,” Westlake Middle School, Lombard, IL, 2002

Workshop: “Mapping Your Personality,” Woman Spirit conference, Lisle, IL, 2002

Workshop: “PARTners: Teaching as a Team ‘Sport,’” National Association of School Psychologists Convention, Chicago, IL, 2002

Workshop: “Mapping Teacher Personalities,” Salt Creek Primary School, Oak Brook, IL, 2002

Two Year Training Program for Child Therapists, Initiated in 2002

Panel: “Working with Children, Teens, and Families Using Internal Family Systems (IFS),” 12th Annual IFS Conference, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, 2003

Workshop: “Mapping Your Inner Personality,” Women’s Retreat, Warrenville Cenacle Retreat Center, Warrenville, IL, 2004

Panel: “Mentoring Parents in Self Leadership,” 13th Annual IFS Conference, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, 2004

Workshop: “Grieving Personalities, Part I,” Food Marketing Company, Oak Park, IL, 2005

Workshop: “Mapping Grieving Personalities, Part II,” Food Marketing Company, Oak Park, IL, 2005

Panel: “Mapping a Child’s Personality: Lions, Tigers, Polarizations, Oppositional Behavior,” 14th Annual IFS Conference, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, 2005

Panel: “Botched Belongingness: Sexual abuse and children,” Ties That Bind—Family Relationships, Biology and the Law,” 16th Annual DePaul Law Review Symposium, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL, 2006

Workshop: “Mapping Homework Solutions,” St. Giles School parents, Oak Park, IL, 2006

Workshop: “Mapping Your Parent Personality,” Parenthesis single parents, Oak Park, IL, 2006

Workshop: “My Work Personality: What Parts Work?” Geneva Foundation, Chicago, IL, 2007

Workshop Series: “Grow a Child, Grow a Plant,” Parenthesis single parents and their children, Oak Park Conservatory, Oak Park, IL, 2007-2008

Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent – Who Knew?” Parenthesis, Oak Park, IL, 2008

Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Midwestern University Clinical Psychology Program, Downers Grove, IL, 2008

Workshop: “When Parenting Gets Tough, STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN for Your Child’s Present Need,” Parenthesis single parents, Oak Park, IL, 2008

Workshop: "Understanding Children's Career Development through Personality Maps and SCANNER Problem Solving Dialogues," Northeastern Illinois University Department of Counselor Education, Chicago, 2008

Reading: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Below the Radar: Readings from the Oak Park Writers’Group, Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, IL, 2008

Workshop: “Mapping Your Personality as a Technique for Art Therapists,” School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Family Art Therapy course), Chicago, IL, 2009

Lecture: “Put Yourself on a Developmental Map: Mapping Your Personality,” Dominican University (Psychology Life Span Course), River Forest, IL, 2009

Workshop: “Mommy, Are We ‘There’ Yet?” Parenthesis single parents, Oak Park, Il, 2009

Workshop: “Part I: Mapping Your Wartime Personality,” “Part II: The Journey Home: Mapping Your Peacetime Personality,” Vet Art Project, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, 2009

Poster Presentation: “Creative Counseling for Adolescents: SCANNER Problem Solving and Personality Pixmaps,” American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, 2009

Panel: “The Arts as a Valuable Tool to Help Veterans,” Veterans’ Day presentation, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, 2009

Lecture: “Personality Mapping and the College Student,” Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL, 2009

Workshop: "Roadmap to Reason: Parents Have Needs Too!" United Parent Support for Down Syndrome, Schaumburg, Illinois, 2010

Interview: "Moody Moves: Emotions in a Child's Day," Interview with Jay Stone for Inner Quest Cable TV, Highland Park, Illinois, 2010

Reading: "Writer's Read!" Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, Illinois, 2010

Workshop: “War and Peace Roles: Mapping Veteran Personalities,” Vet Art Project, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, 2010

Poster Presentation: “Counseling for Teen Troubles: SCANNER Problem Solving and Personality Pixmaps,” National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, 2010

Lecture: “Adult Personality Maps: Who Am I Today?” Midwestern University, Downers Grove, IL, 2010

Founders Award Acceptance Speech, “Parenting Reflections: Remodeling Personality Stories,” Parenthesis Family Center, Oak Park, IL, 2011

Workshop: “Grief Relief for Parents and Children,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2011

Workshop: “Stress Relief for Parents and Children,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2011

Workshop: “Homework Relief for Parents and Children,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2011

Commencement Address: “Full Search Ahead!” Recipient of Honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Manchester University, IN, 2011

Staff Development: “When Patience is Not Enough to Cope with Difficult Child Behavior,” Hephzibah Children’s Association (Child Care Staff), Oak Park, IL, 2012

Workshop: “Fix What is Broken in Your Family,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2012

Workshop: “What Does That Child Need NOW?” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2012

Staff Development: “ADHD and Anxiety: It Takes Two to Tangle!” Hephzibah Children’s Association (Social Workers and Foster Care parents), Oak Park, IL, 2012

Workshop: “What Do I Need to be a Great Parent?” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2012

Lecture: “Steps for Innovation in Economics and Psychology,” International Economics class, Manchester University, IN, 2012

Scholarship Address: “Education Aboard the Flying Carpet,” Manchester University, IN, 2013

Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Stories of Evolving Child and Parent Development,” Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL, 2013

Radio Interviews (Boston, Detroit, and Philadelphia): “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” 2013

Poster Presentation: “EMDR and Internal Family Systems Therapy Team Up to Treat Trauma in Children/Adolescents,” EMDR Annual Conference, Austin, TX, 2013

Parent Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Lesson 1. Meet Five Basic Needs,” TSM Psychological Services, Hinsdale, IL, 2013

Collaboration for Early Childhood Workshop: “The Power of Play: Increase Your Own Creativity Quotient,” Oak Park, IL, 2014

Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Oakton Community College Continuing Education 6 hour training, Skokie, IL, 2014

Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” St. Joseph Public Library, South Bend, IN, 2014

Workshop: “Parenting and Gardening – Growing Love Stories,” Parenthesis Family Center, Oak Park, IL, 2014

Workshop: “Grow, Grow Like a Plant,” Little Beginnings Day Care, Oak Park, IL, 2014

Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, IL, 2014

Workshop: “Stop. Look. Listen. Catch Your Kids Being Good,” Parenthesis Family Center, Oak Park, IL, 2014

Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Oak Park Arms, Oak Park, IL, 2014

Workshop: “Chicken vs. Egg: How Can you Care for Children without Caring for Parents?” Prevent Child Abuse Illinois Conference, Springfield, IL 2014

Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Part of Me is Only 5 Years Old!” Internal Family Systems Annual Conference, Providence, RI, 2014

Workshop: Teacher Tune-Up: Every Lesson Benefits from Creativity,” Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL , 2015

Workshop: “Is Everyone Listening and Learning? Teaching Diverse Learners,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2015

Workshop: “Power-with Communication Rather than Power-over Communication: How discipline Works Best,” Oak Park Women’s Guild, Oak Park, IL, 2015

Workshop: “Tend and Befriend: Distress Reduction for Parents and Teachers,” NAMI Illinois Piecing It All Together Conference, Dominican University, River Forest, IL, 2015

Workshop: “Courageous Parenting: Expect to Change Yourself When You Want Your Child to Change, Illinois Counseling Association, Skokie, IL, 2015.

Workshop: “Midlife Maze: Map Your Way to Creativity!” Manchester University, College of Pharmacy, Ft. Wayne, IN, 2016.

Workshop: “Map a Way through Loss: Personality Mapping as a Therapy Tool,” Therapists’ Networking Group, Oak Park, IL, 2016.

Workshop: “Stress is Not Your Enemy: Create a Stress-is-Enhancing Mindset,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2016.

Workshop Series: Hands ON: Parenting in Present Moments,” Wonder Works Children’s Museum, Oak Park, IL, 2016.

Workshop: ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understand the Puzzling Behaviors and Help Young Children Cope, Collaboration for Early Childhood, Oak Park, IL 2016.

Workshop: Brain Changer Problem Solving in the Classroom, 40th Annual Early Childhood Conference, Concordia University, River Forest, IL, 2016.

Workshop: Conscious Grieving: It Takes a Village of Personality Parts, Illinois Counseling Association, Springfield, IL, 2016

Workshops: “Problem Solvers in Early Childhood” (AM) & “Mindfulness for Caregiver/Teacher Problem Solving” (PM), Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2017

Radio and Online Interviews: Boomer Talk Radio, WGVU Morning Show, Fab Over Fifty, Feisty Side of Fifty, WGN Steve Cochran Show, A Touch of Grey, From Grief to Grace Unity Radio, 2017

Book Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Chicago, 2017

Workshop: “NAIL IT! 5 Things that Children Wish their Teachers Knew,” Vernon Area Public Library, Lincolnshire,  IL, 2017

Workshop: “EQ, CQ, and IQ: The Quest for Great Teaching,” Concordia University Early Childhood Conference,  River Forest, 2017

Book Signing:“Midlife Maze,” River Forest Public Library, River Forest, IL, 2017 

Book Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Forest Park Public Library, Forest Park, IL, 2017

Workshop: "Mindfulness and More: How to Cope with the Loss in Your Life," Belmont Village Retirement Community, Oak Park, IL, 2017

Psychotherapist Training Retreat, Plenary Session: "Self-Led Grieving: A Map to Recovery and Rediscovery after Loss," Chimney Corners, MI, 2017

Workshop: "Self-Led Grieving," Internal Family Systems Annual Conference, Providence, RI, 2017

Workshop: "Creative Grieving," Illinois Counseling Association Conference, Lisle, IL, 2017 

Staff Development: Team Building for Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Ministry, Lisle, IL, 2018

Book Reading/Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Tuscan, AZ, 2018

TV Cable Taping on Open to Hope, “Midlife Maze,” Tuscan, AZ, 2018

Workshop: “Sow the Seeds of Grit for a Growth Mindset for Preschoolers,” Collaboration for Early Childhood  Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2018

Workshop: “Name It to Tame It! Interventions with Grieving Children and Adolescents,” Illinois School Counselor Association, Rosemont, IL, 2018

Radio Interviews: “Let’s Talk About Grief,” Voice America Empowerment Channel, 2018

Workshop: “Part Art: Creative Teaching of Emotions to Equip Every Child in Learning Anything!” Concordia  University Early Childhood Conference, River Forest, IL, 2018

Workshop: “Parts’ Creation Stories: Reauthoring the Stories We Tell Ourselves,” Internal Family Systems  Psychotherapy Training Retreat, Chimney Corners, MI, 2018

Book Reading/Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Satin Gloves Book Group, Oak Park, IL, 2018

Workshop: “CHANGE…DON’T CHANGE! Counseling Opposite Personality Roles,” Illinois Counseling  Association Conference, Itasca, IL, 2018

Radio Interview: CUTVNews Talk Radio, It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent and Midlife Maze, 2018

Keynote Address: “The Fourth Response: Tend-and-Befriend,” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat,  Darien, IL, 2019

Workshop: “Discipline is Not a Problem! Create a MINDFUL Space for Learning,” Collaboration for Early  Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2019

Workshop: “Retirement or Rewirement? Make Your Senior Years Electric!” Oak Park Public Library, IL, 2019

Workshop: “Discipline is Not a Problem!” Jewish Child and Family Services, Chicago, IL, 2019

Workshop: “Retirement or Rewirement? IFS Personality Maps Uncover Inner Wiring,” Internal Family Systems Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 2019

Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Edgewater Library, Chicago, IL, 2019

Workshop: “Retirement vs. Rewirement: Shared Transactions Across Life Uncover Inner Wiring,” Illinois Counseling Association, Skokie, IL, 2019 

Workshop: “Mind the Stress Mess of Infants & Toddlers? Mend Your Mind!” Collaboration for Early childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2020

Workshop: “The Oxygen of Love: From Self-criticism to Self-love,” Carmelite Retreat Center, Darien, IL, 2020  

Workshop: “Good Grief! What Do I Tell the Kids About Death?” First United Preschool, Oak Park, IL, 2020

Zoom: “Who Needs a Growth-and-Grit Mindset More—Parents or Kids?” New Moms, Chicago, IL, 2020

Zoom: “Breathe! Breathing and Meditation Practice,” Quarantine Life Wellness Project, Chicago, IL, 2020

Zoom: “Passion for Retirement Possibilities!” 3-week series, Arbor West Neighbors, Oak Park, IL, 2020

Zoom: “Managing Fear During a Pandemic,” First United Nursery School, Oak Park, IL, 2021

Zoom: “ComPASSION for Oneself and Children through 5 Basic Needs,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2021

Zoom: “Retirement Cycles: Rewire Your Identity,” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat, Darien, IL, 2021

Book Signing: Midlife Maze and It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent, Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Chicago, IL, 2021

Workshop: “Create a Mindful Space for Learning in a Pandemic,” West Suburban Home Day Care Association, River Forest, 2021

Workshop: “Compassion Starts at Home! Self-compassion Wires for Client Healing,” Illinois Counseling Association, Lisle, IL, 2021

Zoom: “Radical Compassion Practice Group” (Selected Sunday evenings, January-May, 2022)

Zoom: “Dealing with Adult Burnout and Child Meltdowns: Chicken or Egg?” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, 2022

Zoom Reading: “Pearls of Strength,” First Place Winner in Illinois Women’s Press Association Professional Contest (from winning blog, Pearls of Peace), 2022

Workshop: “Self-Compassion + Mindfulness = Best Practices for Taking Care of Kids,” West Suburban Home Day Care Association, River Forest, IL, 2022

Zoom Series: “Pandemic Time: Research, Responses, Resilience,” Arbor West Neighbors, 2022

Panel: “What I Wish I Had Known: Reflecting on the Death of a Loved One,” Oak Park Public Library, IL, 2022

Book Signing for It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent and Midlife Maze, Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Chicago, IL, 2022

Workshop: “Self-compassion + Mindfulness = Best Practices for Taking Care of Kids,” West Suburban Home Day Care Association, River Forest, IL 2022

Zoom: “Pandemic Parenting: What We Lost and What We Gained,” First United Nursery School, Oak Park, IL, 2022

Keynote Address: “To Turn is To Learn: Turning Points in Our Lives,” Unitarian Universalist Men’s Retreat, Cabrini Retreat Center, Des Plaines, IL, 2023 

Workshop: “What’s It All About: Tai Chi Energy,” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat, Darien, IL 2023

Workshop: “Retirement Identity: Who Am I Now?” Forest Park Public Library, IL 2023

Zoom Workshop: “Transforming Retirement: Rewire and Grow Your Legacy,” Illinois Mental Health Counselors’ Association, 2023

Poster Session: “What Bodymind Parts Want to Retire? And What Bodymind Parts Say, ‘Never?” American Society on Aging, Atlanta, GA 2023

Panel: “Non-fiction Writing: Blogs and Books,” Illinois Women’s Press Association, South Holland Public Library, IL, 2023

Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Green Hills Public Library,  Palos Hills, IL, 2023

Book Reading/Powerpoint, Transforming Retirement: Rewire and Grow Your Legacy,” Oak Park Public Library, IL, 2023 

Book Reading/Powerpoint, “Take the Tired Out of Retired! Transform Your Retirement,” New Buffalo Public Library, New Buffalo, MI, 2023

Book Signing 3 books, It Takes a Child to Raise a ParentMidlife Maze, and Transforming Retirement: Rewire and Grow Your Legacy, Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Illinois Women’s Press Association, Chicago, IL, 2023

Workshop: “What Bodymind Parts Want to Retire? And What Bodymind Parts Say, ‘Never?’” Internal Family Systems (IFS) Retreat, Chimney Corners, MI, 2023

Workshop: “Transforming Ageism Legacies: Rewire with IFS Retirement Planning,” Internal Family Systems (IFS) Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 2023

Radio Interview: CUTV News Radio, “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent, Midlife Maze, and Transforming Retirement,” NY, 2023

Workshop: “The Rift of Retirement – Rewire Your Counseling for this Developmental Stage,” Illinois Counseling Association, Lisle, IL, 2023

Literary Salon: Transforming Retirement Book Reading, Arbor West Neighbors, American House Senior Living, Oak Park, IL, 2024 

Workshop: “What Legacy Burdens Do You Carry from Relationships? What Legacy Blessings Do You Share?” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat, Darien, IL, 2024

Workshop: “Creative Engagement: A Promising Tool to Promote Whole Health Among Community-dwelling Older Adults,” American Society on Aging, San Francisco, 2024 

Interview: “Transforming Retirement Takes a Growth-and-Grit Mindset,” Radio & TV Show, Y? Why Not, 2024 

Podcast: “Finding Your Creative Power at Any Age,”  Older Women and Friends, 2024

Dedication speech: “What is the Purpose of a (100-year-old) Fountain?” Manchester University, North Manchester, IN, 2024 

Keynote Address: “Lend Your Helping Hand to Meet Basic Needs,” The Children’s Foundation 60th Anniversary, The Nineteenth Century Club, Oak Park, IL, 2024

Workshop: “10 Reasons Why Creativity is the Fountain-of-Aging Well-being,” Aging Reimagined Symposium—Celebrating Who We Are as We Age, Plymouth Place, LaGrange Park, IL, 2024

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Johnston, J. C. & Fields, P.A. 1981. School consultation with the “classroom family,” The School Counselor, 29, 140-146.

Johnston, J. C., Healey, K. N., & Swift, M. S. 1981. Burn-out prevention for school administrators, Stress, 2, 15-19.

Johnston, J. 1983. Psychologist as negotiator in system contracts with adolescents, School Psychology Review, 12, 350-357.

Johnston, J., Simon, D., & Zemitzsch, A. 1983. Balancing an educational mobile through problem
solving, The Pointer, 27 (3), 33-36.

Vetter-Zemitzsch, A., Bernstein, R., Johnston, J., Larson, C., Simon, D., & Smith, A. 1983. The on campus program: A systemic/behavioral approach to behavior disorders in high school. Focus on Exceptional Children, 16, 1-8.

Simon, D., Vetter-Zemitzsch, A., & Johnston, J. C. 1985. On campus: Systemic/behavioral interventions for behaviorally disordered adolescents. Behavior Disorders, 10, 183-190.

Johnston, J. C., Healey, K. N., & Tracey-Magid, D. 1985. Drama and interpersonal problem solving: A dynamic interplay for adolescent groups, Child Care Quarterly, 14, 238-247.

Simon, D. & Johnston, J.C. 1987. Working with families: The missing link in behavior disorder interventions. In R. B. Rutherford, Jr., C. M. Nelson, & S. R. Forness (Eds.), Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth. Boston, MA: Little, Brown.

Johnston, J. C. 1988. Family and school triangulation: Implications for behavior disordered students. Family-School Psychology Interest Group Newsletter, 4, 3-6.

Johnston, J. C. & Zemitzsch, A. 1988. Family power: An intervention beyond the classroom. BehavioralDisorders, 14, 69-79.

Johnston, J. C. & Bernstein, R. 1989. Grassroots organizational development: School psychologists as systemic consultants. Counterpoint: National Association of the State Directors of Special Education, 10, 6-7.

Johnston, J. C. 1989. Problem solving consultation: Collaboration between school and family systems, Communique: National Association of School Psychologists, 18, 22.

Johnston, J., Simon, D., & Zemitzsch, A. 1991. Balancing an educational mobile through problem
solving conferences. In J. Cohen & M. Fish (Eds.), Advances in Therapies for School Behavior Problems. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Johnston, J. C. 1998. Parts map: Making Internal Family Systems (IFS) come alive for children of all ages. Self to Self Newsletter of the Internal Family Systems Association, 3, 2.

Johnston, J. C. 2007. The need for belonging goes awry: Sexual Abuse and Children. DePaul Family Law Review, 56, 3, 909-925.

Johnston, J. C. 2013. It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Stories of Evolving Child and Parent Development. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers. (Hardcover)

Johnston, J. C. 2017. Midlife Maze: A Map to Recovery and Rediscovery after Loss. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers. (Hardcover)

Johnston, J. C. 2017. Families in Stress. In S. Wadhwa  (Ed.), Stress in the Modern World: Understanding Science and Society. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood.

Johnston, J. C. 2019. It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Stories of Evolving Child and Parent Development. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield (Paperback).

Johnston, J. C. 2019. Midlife Maze: A Map to Recovery and Rediscovery after Loss. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield (Paperback).

Johnston, J. C. 2023. Transforming Retirement: Rewire and Grow Your Legacy, Jefferson, NC: Toplight.

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Dr. Janis Clark Johnston
Email DrJan@JanisJohnston.com • Telephone 708-334-9126

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Be Here Now: 1 at a Time
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