Paper: “Child-Centered School Consultation: A Preventive Approach,” American Psychological Association Convention, New York, 1979
Panel: (Represented Hahnemann’s Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving approach) “Prevention and Mental Health,” Public Health Association of New York City, 1979
Staff Development: “Assertiveness for the Classroom,” Central Montgomery County Area Vocational Technical School, Norristown, PA, 1979
Staff Development: “Assertiveness in Teaching,” Upper Bucks County Area Vocational Technical High School, Perkasie, PA, 1979
Workshop: Eight week Parenting Skills course, Salvation Army Day Care Center, Philadelphia, PA, 1980
Staff Development: Assertive Teaching,” Upper Merion Public Schools, King of Prussia, OPA, 1980
Workshop: “Women’s Assertiveness in business,” American Woman’s Association, Lansdale, PA, 1980
Paper: “Psychologist as Negotiator in System Contracts with Adolescents,” National School Psychologists Association Convention, Toronto, 1982
Paper: “An On Campus Behavior Disorders Program: A Systemic/Behavioral Approach within a Public High School,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1983
Paper: “From Employee Assistance to Sexual Abuse Prevention: School Psychologist as Organizational Consultant,” Illinois School Psychologists Association Convention, Champaign, IL, 1985
Paper: “Working with Families: The Missing Link in Behavior Disorder Intervention,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1985
Workshop: “Responsible Assertion: Women Who Win,” National Association of Floor Covering Women, Chicago, IL, 1985
Workshop: “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Children’s Fears and Bibliotherapy,” Parenthesis, Oak Park, IL, 1985
Workshop: “Befriender’s Stress Management,” First Presbyterian Church, Wilmette, IL, 1986
Workshop: “Human Sexuality,” Teen Conference, Rosary College, River Forest, IL, 1986
Workshop: “Stress Management for Parents of Autistic Adolescents,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1986
Paper: “System Contract with Adolescents,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children And Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1986
Paper: “Systemic Contracts with Adolescents: Reframing Discipline between Home and School,” National Association of School Psychologists Convention, New Orleans, LA, 1987
Training: Discussion groups on AIDS for juniors and seniors, Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1987
Paper: “Family Power: An Intervention Beyond the Classroom,” Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, Tempe, AZ, 1987
Workshop: “Does Adolescent Stress Cause Parent Stress?” Niles Township Off Campus Behavioral Disorder Program, Skokie, IL, 1988
Paper: “Beyond Behavior Modification in Behavior Disordered Programming: Systemic Interventions,” Illinois School Psychologists Association Convention, Peoria, IL, 1988
Training” “Test Anxiety Prevention,” (Adults studying for Certified Public Accounting professional exam), Oak Park, IL, 1988
Training: Workshop series on test anxiety for potential National Merit Scholars in preparation for SAT, Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1988
Workshop: “Adolescent Therapy,” Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL, 1988
Paper: “Balancing a Therapeutic Tightrope: Therapy with Adolescents,” Programming for the Developmental Needs of Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders IV Conference, Chicago, 1988
Paper: “Problem Solving Consultation: Collaboration Between School and Family Systems,” Illinois School Psychologists Association Convention, Peoria, IL, 1989
Training: “Behavior Disorders Programming,” St. Charles High School Special Education Staff, St. Charles, IL, 1989
Staff Development: “Special Education Teachers” Career Identity,” Highland Park High School, Highland Park, IL, 1990
Staff Development: “Self Esteem in Middle School – A Teeter Totter,” Benjamin School, West Chicago, IL, 1990
Workshop: “Adolescent Self-Esteem Versus Just Plain Selfishness,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1990
Program Evaluation: Series of 4 workshops, “Evaluation of Behavior Disorders Programming,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1990
Workshop: “Setting Up and Successfully Sustaining In-House Classes for Behaiorally Involved Students,” Massachusetts School Psychologists Association Convention, Worchester, MA, 1991
Program Evaluation: Series of 3 workshops, “Evaluation of Behavior Disorders Programming,” Jack London Institute, Wheeling, IL, 1991
Workshop: “Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World,” Oak Park & River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, 1992
Workshop: “Assertiveness for Women,” Skokie Valley Professional Secretaries, Skokie, IL, 1992
Workshop: “Stress Management on the Job,” Best Foods, Chicago, IK, 1992
Workshop: “Substance Abuse on the Job,” Best Foods, Chicago, IL, 1992
Workshop: “Systemic Problem Solving Between Home and School: Reframing School
Psychology,” New Jersey School Psychologists Convention, Clark, NJ, 1992
Workshop: “Conflict Resolution for Residential Students,” Hephzibah Children’s Association, Oak Park, IL, 1994
Workshop: “Stress-Free Children, Self-Aware Parents,” Benjamin School, West Chicago, IL, 1996
Staff Development: “Team Building for Teachers,” Benjamin School, West Chicago, IL, 1996
Staff Development: “Adolescent Stress,” Trinity High School, River Forest, IL, 1996
Workshop: “Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Families,” 6th Annual IFS Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1997
Workshop: “Mother-Daughter Maps of Personality,” Oak Park, IL, 1998
Panel: “Using Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 7th Annual IFS Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1998
Workshop: “Family Power,” Irving School, Oak Park, IL, 1998
Panel: “Using Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 8th IFS Conference,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 1999
Staff Development: “Anger: Working with Defiant Children,” Hephzibah, Oak Park, IL, 1999
Panel: “Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 9th Annual IFS Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 2000
Staff Development: Series of workshops—“Ready to Learn: Activating a Child’s Smart Parts,” Salt Creek Primary School, Oak Brook, IL 2001
Staff Development: “Working with Difficult Students,” Milford, NE, 2001
Panel (Plenary Session): “Taking It to the Streets: Internal Family Systems (IFS) in Prisons, Schools, and the Internet, 10th Annual IFS Conference, Aurora University, WI, 2001
Panel: “Using Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Children and Adolescents,” 10th Annual IFS Conference, Aurora University, WI, 2001
Staff Development: Series of workshops: “Ready to Learn: Activating a Teacher’s Parts,” Salt Salt Primary School, Oak Brook, IL, 2002
Workshop: “Get to the Good Parts of Parenting: Mapping Parent Personalities,” Westlake Middle School, Lombard, IL, 2002
Workshop: “Mapping Your Personality,” Woman Spirit conference, Lisle, IL, 2002
Workshop: “PARTners: Teaching as a Team ‘Sport,’” National Association of School Psychologists Convention, Chicago, IL, 2002
Workshop: “Mapping Teacher Personalities,” Salt Creek Primary School, Oak Brook, IL, 2002
Two Year Training Program for Child Therapists, Initiated in 2002
Panel: “Working with Children, Teens, and Families Using Internal Family Systems (IFS),” 12th Annual IFS Conference, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, 2003
Workshop: “Mapping Your Inner Personality,” Women’s Retreat, Warrenville Cenacle Retreat Center, Warrenville, IL, 2004
Panel: “Mentoring Parents in Self Leadership,” 13th Annual IFS Conference, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, 2004
Workshop: “Grieving Personalities, Part I,” Food Marketing Company, Oak Park, IL, 2005
Workshop: “Mapping Grieving Personalities, Part II,” Food Marketing Company, Oak Park, IL, 2005
Panel: “Mapping a Child’s Personality: Lions, Tigers, Polarizations, Oppositional Behavior,” 14th Annual IFS Conference, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, 2005
Panel: “Botched Belongingness: Sexual abuse and children,” Ties That Bind—Family Relationships, Biology and the Law,” 16th Annual DePaul Law Review Symposium, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL, 2006
Workshop: “Mapping Homework Solutions,” St. Giles School parents, Oak Park, IL, 2006
Workshop: “Mapping Your Parent Personality,” Parenthesis single parents, Oak Park, IL, 2006
Workshop: “My Work Personality: What Parts Work?” Geneva Foundation, Chicago, IL, 2007
Workshop Series: “Grow a Child, Grow a Plant,” Parenthesis single parents and their children, Oak Park Conservatory, Oak Park, IL, 2007-2008
Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent – Who Knew?” Parenthesis, Oak Park, IL, 2008
Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Midwestern University Clinical Psychology Program, Downers Grove, IL, 2008
Workshop: “When Parenting Gets Tough, STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN for Your Child’s Present Need,” Parenthesis single parents, Oak Park, IL, 2008
Workshop: "Understanding Children's Career Development through Personality Maps and SCANNER Problem Solving Dialogues," Northeastern Illinois University Department of Counselor Education, Chicago, 2008
Reading: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Below the Radar: Readings from the Oak Park Writers’Group, Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, IL, 2008
Workshop: “Mapping Your Personality as a Technique for Art Therapists,” School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Family Art Therapy course), Chicago, IL, 2009
Lecture: “Put Yourself on a Developmental Map: Mapping Your Personality,” Dominican University (Psychology Life Span Course), River Forest, IL, 2009
Workshop: “Mommy, Are We ‘There’ Yet?” Parenthesis single parents, Oak Park, Il, 2009
Workshop: “Part I: Mapping Your Wartime Personality,” “Part II: The Journey Home: Mapping Your Peacetime Personality,” Vet Art Project, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, 2009
Poster Presentation: “Creative Counseling for Adolescents: SCANNER Problem Solving and Personality Pixmaps,” American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, 2009
Panel: “The Arts as a Valuable Tool to Help Veterans,” Veterans’ Day presentation, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, 2009
Lecture: “Personality Mapping and the College Student,” Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL, 2009
Workshop: "Roadmap to Reason: Parents Have Needs Too!" United Parent Support for Down Syndrome, Schaumburg, Illinois, 2010
Interview: "Moody Moves: Emotions in a Child's Day," Interview with Jay Stone for Inner Quest Cable TV, Highland Park, Illinois, 2010
Reading: "Writer's Read!" Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, Illinois, 2010
Workshop: “War and Peace Roles: Mapping Veteran Personalities,” Vet Art Project, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, 2010
Poster Presentation: “Counseling for Teen Troubles: SCANNER Problem Solving and Personality Pixmaps,” National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, 2010
Lecture: “Adult Personality Maps: Who Am I Today?” Midwestern University, Downers Grove, IL, 2010
Founders Award Acceptance Speech, “Parenting Reflections: Remodeling Personality Stories,” Parenthesis Family Center, Oak Park, IL, 2011
Workshop: “Grief Relief for Parents and Children,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2011
Workshop: “Stress Relief for Parents and Children,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2011
Workshop: “Homework Relief for Parents and Children,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2011
Commencement Address: “Full Search Ahead!” Recipient of Honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Manchester University, IN, 2011
Staff Development: “When Patience is Not Enough to Cope with Difficult Child Behavior,” Hephzibah Children’s Association (Child Care Staff), Oak Park, IL, 2012
Workshop: “Fix What is Broken in Your Family,” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2012
Workshop: “What Does That Child Need NOW?” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2012
Staff Development: “ADHD and Anxiety: It Takes Two to Tangle!” Hephzibah Children’s Association (Social Workers and Foster Care parents), Oak Park, IL, 2012
Workshop: “What Do I Need to be a Great Parent?” Lincoln Elementary School, Calumet City, IL, 2012
Lecture: “Steps for Innovation in Economics and Psychology,” International Economics class, Manchester University, IN, 2012
Scholarship Address: “Education Aboard the Flying Carpet,” Manchester University, IN, 2013
Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Stories of Evolving Child and Parent Development,” Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL, 2013
Radio Interviews (Boston, Detroit, and Philadelphia): “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” 2013
Poster Presentation: “EMDR and Internal Family Systems Therapy Team Up to Treat Trauma in Children/Adolescents,” EMDR Annual Conference, Austin, TX, 2013
Parent Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Lesson 1. Meet Five Basic Needs,” TSM Psychological Services, Hinsdale, IL, 2013
Collaboration for Early Childhood Workshop: “The Power of Play: Increase Your Own Creativity Quotient,” Oak Park, IL, 2014
Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Oakton Community College Continuing Education 6 hour training, Skokie, IL, 2014
Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” St. Joseph Public Library, South Bend, IN, 2014
Workshop: “Parenting and Gardening – Growing Love Stories,” Parenthesis Family Center, Oak Park, IL, 2014
Workshop: “Grow, Grow Like a Plant,” Little Beginnings Day Care, Oak Park, IL, 2014
Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, IL, 2014
Workshop: “Stop. Look. Listen. Catch Your Kids Being Good,” Parenthesis Family Center, Oak Park, IL, 2014
Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Oak Park Arms, Oak Park, IL, 2014
Workshop: “Chicken vs. Egg: How Can you Care for Children without Caring for Parents?” Prevent Child Abuse Illinois Conference, Springfield, IL 2014
Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Part of Me is Only 5 Years Old!” Internal Family Systems Annual Conference, Providence, RI, 2014
Workshop: Teacher Tune-Up: Every Lesson Benefits from Creativity,” Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL , 2015
Workshop: “Is Everyone Listening and Learning? Teaching Diverse Learners,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2015
Workshop: “Power-with Communication Rather than Power-over Communication: How discipline Works Best,” Oak Park Women’s Guild, Oak Park, IL, 2015
Workshop: “Tend and Befriend: Distress Reduction for Parents and Teachers,” NAMI Illinois Piecing It All Together Conference, Dominican University, River Forest, IL, 2015
Workshop: “Courageous Parenting: Expect to Change Yourself When You Want Your Child to Change, Illinois Counseling Association, Skokie, IL, 2015.
Workshop: “Midlife Maze: Map Your Way to Creativity!” Manchester University, College of Pharmacy, Ft. Wayne, IN, 2016.
Workshop: “Map a Way through Loss: Personality Mapping as a Therapy Tool,” Therapists’ Networking Group, Oak Park, IL, 2016.
Workshop: “Stress is Not Your Enemy: Create a Stress-is-Enhancing
Mindset,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2016.
Workshop Series: Hands ON: Parenting in Present Moments,” Wonder Works
Children’s Museum, Oak Park, IL, 2016.
Workshop: ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understand the Puzzling Behaviors and Help Young Children Cope, Collaboration for Early Childhood, Oak Park, IL 2016.
Workshop: Brain Changer Problem Solving in the Classroom, 40th Annual Early Childhood Conference, Concordia University, River Forest, IL, 2016.
Workshop: Conscious Grieving: It Takes a Village of Personality Parts, Illinois Counseling Association, Springfield, IL, 2016
Workshops: “Problem Solvers in Early Childhood” (AM) & “Mindfulness for Caregiver/Teacher Problem Solving” (PM), Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2017
Radio and Online Interviews: Boomer Talk Radio, WGVU Morning Show, Fab Over Fifty, Feisty Side of Fifty, WGN Steve Cochran Show, A Touch of Grey, From Grief to Grace Unity Radio, 2017
Book Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Chicago, 2017
Workshop: “NAIL IT! 5 Things that Children Wish their Teachers Knew,” Vernon Area Public Library, Lincolnshire, IL, 2017
Workshop: “EQ, CQ, and IQ: The Quest for Great Teaching,” Concordia University Early Childhood Conference, River Forest, 2017
Book Signing:“Midlife Maze,” River Forest Public Library, River Forest, IL, 2017
Book Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Forest Park Public Library, Forest Park, IL, 2017
Workshop: "Mindfulness and More: How to Cope with the Loss in Your Life," Belmont Village Retirement Community, Oak Park, IL, 2017
Psychotherapist Training Retreat, Plenary Session: "Self-Led Grieving: A Map to Recovery and Rediscovery after Loss," Chimney Corners, MI, 2017
Workshop: "Self-Led Grieving," Internal Family Systems Annual Conference, Providence, RI, 2017
Workshop: "Creative Grieving," Illinois Counseling Association Conference, Lisle, IL, 2017
Staff Development: Team Building for Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Ministry, Lisle, IL, 2018
Book Reading/Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Tuscan, AZ, 2018
TV Cable Taping on Open to Hope, “Midlife Maze,” Tuscan, AZ, 2018
Workshop: “Sow the Seeds of Grit for a Growth Mindset for Preschoolers,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2018
Workshop: “Name It to Tame It! Interventions with Grieving Children and Adolescents,” Illinois School Counselor Association, Rosemont, IL, 2018
Radio Interviews: “Let’s Talk About Grief,” Voice America Empowerment Channel, 2018
Workshop: “Part Art: Creative Teaching of Emotions to Equip Every Child in Learning Anything!” Concordia University Early Childhood Conference, River Forest, IL, 2018
Workshop: “Parts’ Creation Stories: Reauthoring the Stories We Tell Ourselves,” Internal Family Systems Psychotherapy Training Retreat, Chimney Corners, MI, 2018
Book Reading/Signing: “Midlife Maze,” Satin Gloves Book Group, Oak Park, IL, 2018
Workshop: “CHANGE…DON’T CHANGE! Counseling Opposite Personality Roles,” Illinois Counseling Association Conference, Itasca, IL, 2018
Radio Interview: CUTVNews Talk Radio, It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent and Midlife Maze, 2018
Keynote Address: “The Fourth Response: Tend-and-Befriend,” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat, Darien, IL, 2019
Workshop: “Discipline is Not a Problem! Create a MINDFUL Space for Learning,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2019
Workshop: “Retirement or Rewirement? Make Your Senior Years Electric!” Oak Park Public Library, IL, 2019
Workshop: “Discipline is Not a Problem!” Jewish Child and Family Services, Chicago, IL, 2019
Workshop: “Retirement or Rewirement? IFS Personality Maps Uncover Inner Wiring,” Internal Family Systems Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 2019
Book Reading/Signing: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Edgewater Library, Chicago, IL, 2019
Workshop: “Retirement vs. Rewirement: Shared Transactions Across Life Uncover Inner Wiring,” Illinois Counseling Association, Skokie, IL, 2019
Workshop: “Mind the Stress Mess of Infants & Toddlers? Mend Your Mind!” Collaboration for Early childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2020
Workshop: “The Oxygen of Love: From Self-criticism to Self-love,” Carmelite Retreat Center, Darien, IL, 2020
Workshop: “Good Grief! What Do I Tell the Kids About Death?” First United Preschool, Oak Park, IL, 2020
Zoom: “Who Needs a Growth-and-Grit Mindset More—Parents or Kids?” New Moms, Chicago, IL, 2020
Zoom: “Breathe! Breathing and Meditation Practice,” Quarantine Life Wellness Project, Chicago, IL, 2020
Zoom: “Passion for Retirement Possibilities!” 3-week series, Arbor West Neighbors, Oak Park, IL, 2020
Zoom: “Managing Fear During a Pandemic,” First United Nursery School, Oak Park, IL, 2021
Zoom: “ComPASSION for Oneself and Children through 5 Basic Needs,” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, Oak Park, IL, 2021
Zoom: “Retirement Cycles: Rewire Your Identity,” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat, Darien, IL, 2021
Book Signing: Midlife Maze and It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent, Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Chicago, IL, 2021
Workshop: “Create a Mindful Space for Learning in a Pandemic,” West Suburban Home Day Care Association, River Forest, 2021
Workshop: “Compassion Starts at Home! Self-compassion Wires for Client Healing,” Illinois Counseling Association, Lisle, IL, 2021
Zoom: “Radical Compassion Practice Group” (Selected Sunday evenings, January-May, 2022)
Zoom: “Dealing with Adult Burnout and Child Meltdowns: Chicken or Egg?” Collaboration for Early Childhood Symposium, 2022
Zoom Reading: “Pearls of Strength,” First Place Winner in Illinois Women’s Press Association Professional Contest (from winning blog, Pearls of Peace), 2022
Workshop: “Self-Compassion + Mindfulness = Best Practices for Taking Care of Kids,” West Suburban Home Day Care Association, River Forest, IL, 2022
Zoom Series: “Pandemic Time: Research, Responses, Resilience,” Arbor West Neighbors, 2022
Panel: “What I Wish I Had Known: Reflecting on the Death of a Loved One,” Oak Park Public Library, IL, 2022
Book Signing for It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent and Midlife Maze, Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Chicago, IL, 2022
Workshop: “Self-compassion + Mindfulness = Best Practices for Taking Care of Kids,” West Suburban Home Day Care Association, River Forest, IL 2022
Zoom: “Pandemic Parenting: What We Lost and What We Gained,” First United Nursery School, Oak Park, IL, 2022
Keynote Address: “To Turn is To Learn: Turning Points in Our Lives,” Unitarian Universalist Men’s Retreat, Cabrini Retreat Center, Des Plaines, IL, 2023
Workshop: “What’s It All About: Tai Chi Energy,” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat, Darien, IL 2023
Workshop: “Retirement Identity: Who Am I Now?” Forest Park Public Library, IL 2023
Zoom Workshop: “Transforming Retirement: Rewire and Grow Your Legacy,” Illinois Mental Health Counselors’ Association, 2023
Poster Session: “What Bodymind Parts Want to Retire? And What Bodymind Parts Say, ‘Never?” American Society on Aging, Atlanta, GA 2023
Panel: “Non-fiction Writing: Blogs and Books,” Illinois Women’s Press Association, South Holland Public Library, IL, 2023
Workshop: “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent,” Green Hills Public Library, Palos Hills, IL, 2023
Book Reading/Powerpoint, Transforming Retirement: Rewire and Grow Your Legacy,” Oak Park Public Library, IL, 2023
Book Reading/Powerpoint, “Take the Tired Out of Retired! Transform Your Retirement,” New Buffalo Public Library, New Buffalo, MI, 2023
Book Signing 3 books, It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent, Midlife Maze, and Transforming Retirement: Rewire and Grow Your Legacy, Printer’s Row Lit Fest, Illinois Women’s Press Association, Chicago, IL, 2023
Workshop: “What Bodymind Parts Want to Retire? And What Bodymind Parts Say, ‘Never?’” Internal Family Systems (IFS) Retreat, Chimney Corners, MI, 2023
Workshop: “Transforming Ageism Legacies: Rewire with IFS Retirement Planning,” Internal Family Systems (IFS) Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 2023
Radio Interview: CUTV News Radio, “It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent, Midlife Maze, and Transforming Retirement,” NY, 2023
Workshop: “The Rift of Retirement – Rewire Your Counseling for this Developmental Stage,” Illinois Counseling Association, Lisle, IL, 2023
Literary Salon: Transforming Retirement Book Reading, Arbor West Neighbors, American House Senior Living, Oak Park, IL, 2024
Workshop: “What Legacy Burdens Do You Carry from Relationships? What Legacy Blessings Do You Share?” Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat, Darien, IL, 2024
Workshop: “Creative Engagement: A Promising Tool to Promote Whole Health Among Community-dwelling Older Adults,” American Society on Aging, San Francisco, 2024
Interview: “Transforming Retirement Takes a Growth-and-Grit Mindset,” Radio & TV Show, Y? Why Not, 2024
Podcast: “Finding Your Creative Power at Any Age,” Older Women and Friends, 2024
Dedication speech: “What is the Purpose of a (100-year-old) Fountain?” Manchester University, North Manchester, IN, 2024
Keynote Address: “Lend Your Helping Hand to Meet Basic Needs,” The Children’s Foundation 60th Anniversary, The Nineteenth Century Club, Oak Park, IL, 2024
Workshop: “10 Reasons Why Creativity is the Fountain-of-Aging Well-being,” Aging Reimagined Symposium—Celebrating Who We Are as We Age, Plymouth Place, LaGrange Park, IL, 2024
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